ผู้นำเข้าและตัวแทนจำหน่าย Cutting tools


UFO family is YIH TROUN’S innovative patented product, the name derived from its tapered-polygon structure looks like the shape of UFO space ships

The tapered-polygon design gives a greater capacity to withstand the cutting torque and transmit shaft power, it assures the shaft do synchronous drive the shank and insert at the same speed and position. The tapered-polygon insert is made by complete-grinded processing to keep the tolerance of connect positioning in ±0.01mm and optimize feed speed and insert life.

Furthermore, the tapered-polygon design provides a simple connection and easily transfer between different inserts and shanks, it helps to lower cost and save space for keeping stock of sufficient cutters.

Each solid-type cutter is available in one size and single application only. YIH TROUN UFO family use patented tapered-polygon design, it serves a simple connection to various types of UFO inserts, such as: T-Slot Inserts、Thread Milling Inserts、Dual Chamfer Inserts、Dual Corner Rounding Inserts、Radius Grooving Inserts、Dovetail Inserts、Circlip Inserts、Concave Radius Inserts、Gear Groove Inserts and different kinds of customized Inserts …etc. Each of the unique shank is suitable for minimum 400 inserts of UFO series. With total 6 shanks of entire CAPTO range, it is applicable to more than 1400 UFO inserts.

To support a wide application range, YIH TROUN provides many optional sizes of shank in different diameters and lengths. Apart from HSS shanks, we also offer carbide shanks which conduce to a greater stability for long deep overhang machining.

UFO Thread Milling Insert

UFO Profile Insert
The special profile series of UFO inserts are designed for machining on small-diameter applications, with 6 different types in various angles and forms. They are UFO radius insert, UFO dual corner rounding insert, UFO dual chamfer insert, UFO dovetail insert, UFO concave radius insert, and UFO circlip insert, applied to different angles for various special machining, with every insert fitting to the UFO series T-slot shank CB3 and CB3W.


UFO Thread Milling Insert

UFO Thread Milling Insert
YIH TROUN UFO thread milling insert uses CNC milling program to machine threads in a spiral approach. The thread milling insert with multi-tooth design provides high machining efficiency, it comes with full-profile